To cherish as the apple of one’s eye - Беречь как зеницу ока

The apple of one’s eye is something very precious to one, that which is especially prized. Apple is probably the corruption of pupil which is round like an apple. (Compare the Russian: глазное яблоко.) The pupil is regarded as the most sensitive and precious part of the eye. The phrase appears in Psalms: “ Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings.” To cherish as the apple of one’s eye means to treat with the greatest care possible something which is very precious.
George was the apple of his father’s eye. He did not like Harry, his second son, so well. '
W. S. Maugham , The Alien Corn
Did the Law not know that a m an ’s name was to him the apple of his eye, that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer?
J. Galsworthy, In Chancery
Win had looked forward to the child: boy or girl, she cared nothing; it was to have been her eye’s apple, her h eart’s core, her dandling, her nestle-chick, her doted dear; later, their hope and pride. R. Macaulay, I Would Be Private

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1. В каком значении употребляется выражение беречь как зеницу ока? 2. Чем можно объяснить, что слова зеница ока стали употребляться для обозначения чего-либо, имеющего очень большую ценность? 3. Откуда заимствовано выражение?